
Starting a new personal blog


I was laid off recently, and I thought it might be a good idea to finally start a personal blog.

I planned this for a long time now.

A few things held me back so far however. Firstly, I know how demanding it is to post something regularly. And the churn is real. Most of the people I follow eventually stopped, most of them only after a few posts, or even after a single one. I know it’s not necessarily rewarding either. Most of the posts are read by exactly nobody. Copycats steal your work. And I was considering Medium, but at the same time I do not like how Premium on Medium works. I also hate how inexperienced devs copy tutorials or the documentation straight, and with good SEO get on top of relevant results for searches, while adding nothing useful.

On the other hand, it’s time to give something back. I’m an Android dev for 12 years, and I learned a lot from others. I still have notes for a blog from 10 years ago. While these are not relevant anymore, I’m sure I will have a lot of topics to write about. This will not only help others, but it will help me to remember things as well. Even if for that I mostly use the What have I learnt section, which was also a note up until now.

This could also support my job search. Sometimes I have the feeling that while my CV is excellent or good for most hiring managers, it doesn’t appease others. One of the things missing is community work, showing that I can and do give back.

I will write mostly about Android development, but maybe I will wander off to mapping, running, politics, or books, and others.

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